Jules, The Cheetah

Jules is our most adorable King Cheetah born in May 2015. She had a rough start when there was a rare strain of Parvovirus that broke out on the farm. Most of the cubs that year did not make it due to the parvovirus. Jules has an extraordinary sweet personality and it just takes one glance from her to melt your heart. She has joined the league of running cats here at the centre, and is running at impressive speeds that continue to make us proud every day.


SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acinonyx jubatus

TYPE: Mammals

DIET: Carnivore

GROUP NAME: Coalition


SIZE:  70-90 cm (28-36 in) high at shoulder

WEIGHT: 35-65 kg (77-144 lbs)

The Ann van Dyk Cheetah Centre do not receive any government funding and therefore depend on public support to continue with the work that we do. You and your family can take a special interest in one of the Centre’s animals by adopting one or more of them. Choose your favorite animal from the list of species and by sending your adopt an animal donation you will be playing an important role in assisting us to maintain and care for these animals.

Adoption Packages

ranges between 


You will receive a certificate to acknowledge your adoption as well as a photograph of your wild child via e-mail, this applies to all adoption levels.
Individuals, Companies and Organisations qualify for a Section 18A Tax Certificate. 


Adoption package for R600 per year
(R50 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 1 week.

Adopted Parent Benefit

A certificate of adoption.


Adoption package for R1000 per year
(R83.33 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 1.5 weeks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

A certificate of adoption. Meet your adopted wild child! This is done by appointment only as it includes a Walking Tour for you. Kindly note that normal tour rates would apply to additional guests.


Adoption package for R1500 per year
(R125 per month)

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 2 weeks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

A certificate of adoption. Meet your adopted wild child! This is done by appointment only as it includes a Walking Tour for you and a guest. Kindly note that normal tour rates would apply to additional guests.


Adoption package for R2500 per year
(R208.33 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 3 weeks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

A certificate of adoption. Meet your adopted wild child! This is done by appointment only as it includes a Guided Tour for you and a guest. Kindly note that normal tour rates would apply to additional guests.


Adoption package for R3600 per year
(R300.00 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 5.5 weeks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

A certificate of adoption. Meet your adopted wild child! This is done by appointment only as it includes a Cheetah Run and Tour for you and a guest. Kindly note that normal tour rates would apply to additional guests.


Adoption package for R6500 per year
(R541.66 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 10.5 weeks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

A certificate of adoption and a Cheetah soft toy.
Meet your adopted wild child! This is done by appointment only as it includes a Cheetah Run and Tour for you and 2 guests. Kindly note that normal tour rates would apply to additional guests.

Corporate Adoption Packages


Adoption package for R15 000 per year
(R1250.00 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 1 Cheetah for 4 months with health checks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

Certificate of adoption. Cheetah run and guided tour for 4 staff members. 10% discount on functions held at the Centre.


Adoption package for R30 000 per year
(R2500.00 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 5.5 weeks.

Adopted Parent Benefit

Certificate of adoption. Behind the scenes/feeding round for 4 staff members. Your company thanked on our social media pages with links to yours. 10% discount on functions held at the Centre.


Adoption package for R50 000 per year
(R4166.67 per month) includes:

Adopted Wild Child Benefit

Food for 1 Cheetah for 1 year with health checks, vaccines and medical bills.

Adopted Parent Benefit

Certificate of adoption. Behind the scenes/feeding round for 4 staff members. Your company thanked on our social media pages with links to yours. Your company add/sign at the Centre (at your cost). Privilege to name a pack of wild dogs or a coalition on Cheetah with an acknowledgment sign at their enclosure. 10% discount on functions held at the Centre.